How your business can benefit using PURE LINK
We’ve created a single centrally located water purification and cooling unit, containing state of the art 0.2 micron dual filtration. Connected to PUREpoint locations throughout your building, making unlimited purified still or sparkling and instant hot water accessible in even more locations.
PURElink is a water filter system designed for office buildings, hotels and larger restaurants, and comes with multiple PUREpoints at your location, making purified water available for all employees, guest and clients.
Initial enabling works are reduced, storage space is minimised, and maintenance service visits are isolated to one area of the building, reducing the impact of the system throughout its lifecycle.

How your business can benefit using PURE ONE
PUREone is our compact PUREbase, a water cooler system developed to fit into your under counter space. The PUREpoint can be easily installed and comes in different colours to match your interior design. With your PUREone water filter system, you have access to unlimited chilled still and sparkling water, and instant hot water at your choice.
PUREone fits in every kitchen. All we need is a 60×60 cm cabinet to install the PUREbase and PUREpoint.